UK: Women Press Freedom Denounces CNN’s Legal Battle Against Saima Mohsin’s Unfair Dismissal Case

September 5, 2024 - United Kingdom, London


Women Press Freedom condemns CNN’s efforts to block Saima Mohsin's case for unfair dismissal and disability discrimination.

Injured while reporting in Israel, Saima was unfairly dismissed and has faced ongoing legal battles.

Despite her victory in taking the case to a UK tribunal, CNN appealed this decision, with a hearing on September 5, and has been granted permission to proceed with their appeal.

Journalists must be protected, not punished, for injuries sustained on the job.

  • CNN has been granted permission to proceed with their appeal against an Employment Tribunal's decision to grant disabled journalist Saima Mohsin the right to have her case heard in the UK.

    British Presenter and International Correspondent, Saima Mohsin was injured while on assignment in Jerusalem for CNN in 2014. CNN terminated her contract in 2017 when she requested alternative duties and support during her post-injury rehabilitation programme. Saima had a breakdown and suffered from depression. She eventually learnt to control her foot again and become “weight-bearing” again through extensive physiotherapy but lives in constant pain – and is often bed-ridden with pain. She now has to use a walking stick and cannot work full time.

    Her claim in the Employment Tribunal is for unfair dismissal, disability discrimination, victimisation, failure to make reasonable

    adjustments and equal pay.

    CNN denies her claims and had contested her ability to seek justice in the UK by claiming the Employment Tribunal in the United Kingdom did not have jurisdiction to hear her claim and that the Equality Act 2010 and Employment Rights Act 1996 did not apply on the grounds of territorial jurisdiction.

    Saima’s claim raises important questions about journalist safety, the treatment of women of colour in journalism, as well as the ability of foreign correspondents to ensure they are provided proper healthcare after being injured on assignment and can continue to work.

    CNN is trying to avoid the prospect of a full hearing before the Employment Tribunal to allow an independent adjudication of Saima's claims by arguing that the UK courts should not even hear the case, kicking the matter into the legal long grass.

    A two day hearing for CNN’s appeal will be listed in the near future.

    A final hearing for the unfair dismissal and disability discrimination case, including Equal pay is listed for April 28th 2025.

    Notes on Saima Mohsin

    Saima presents SKY News Today with Saima Mohsin at weekends and continues with a daily pain management plan. She is a patron for the Palace for Life Foundation, Crystal Palace Football Club’s charity. Saima has learnt to live with an invisible disability and made a record-ratings programme for ITV to raise awareness about the many people in the UK living with invisible disabilities. Saima has spoken out publicly about her pain condition and fundraises for the disability charity Scope.

    Notes on legal team:

    Saima is represented by Barristers Paras Gorasia of Old Square Chambers and Jennifer Robinson & Finnian Clarke of Doughty Street Chambers.

    Mr Gorasia and Ms J Robinson were counsel for Azeem Rafiq in his claim against Yorkshire County Cricket Club, which resulted in a significant settlement and apology from the Club to Mr Rafiq.

    For media enquiries please contact 07944 979 174


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