Turkiye: Another Journalist Jailed, Eylem Babayiğit Detained - WPF Condemns Crackdown

January 21, 2025 - Turkiye, Istanbul


Medya Haber journalist Eylem Babayiğit detained after a raid on her home in Istanbul. She is the fifth woman journalist jailed by Turkish authorities in less than a week.

She was detained in connection with a case where six journalists, including 3 women, were arrested on terror-related charges earlier this week.

Babayiğit has been taken to the Istanbul Police Department, and a confidentiality order restricts access to case details.

Women Press Freedom condemns the targeting of Babayiğit and her colleagues. Turkish authorities must stop using anti-terror laws to silence the press. Journalism is not terrorism. We demand their immediate and unconditional release


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