Turkiye: Gönül Yılman Saygan Detained at Airport

Journalist briefly taken into custody and questioned by prosecutor before being released

Location: Turkiye, İzmir
Date: July 9, 2024

Women Press Freedom condemns the detention of journalist and media personality Gönül Yılman Saygan at İzmir Airport. The reasons for Yılman's detention remain unclear, fueling speculation she was targeted for her political reporting and criticism of the state. The Turkish authorities must cease their use of arbitrary detention and trumped-up charges to intimidate and target outspoken journalists. While we welcome Gönül Yılman Saygan’s swift release, we urge the prosecutor in Izmir to stop targeting her and allow the journalist to work and travel without fearing intimidation or unjust jailing from authorities.

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On July 9, 2024, Gönül Yılman Saygan, who has a prominent presence on social media and is known for her critical political commentary, took to X to announce her detention at Izmir Airport.

In her message, she revealed that she had not been subjected to any ill-treatment but expressed her bewilderment and concern over the necessity of such a measure.

"I was waiting for the end of the lunch shift at the police station. My daughter’s brother took her. I will never forget the fear in her eyes. I don’t care about the police station or detention. But my daughter’s concern. And if I was called to give a statement, I would go. I always went when I was called. But why detention? I got into the police car in front of my daughter," Yılman Saygan posted.

The journalist was taken to the İzmir Bayraklı Courthouse before being released after being questioned by a prosecutor. According to news outlet Artı Gerçek, Yılman Saygan was taken into custody due to a search warrant issued against her.

Following her release Yılman Saygan stated, "I was detained because of the response I gave to someone who threatened, insulted, and swore at me." No further information on her detention was disclosed.

Gönül Yılman Saygan has been a significant figure in Turkish media. She served as a senior manager in the advertising department at Posta, one of Turkiye's leading newspapers. Currently, she runs a YouTube channel named Red Mixer, where she produces a popular program. Yılman frequently addresses political issues on her social media platforms, where she has amassed a considerable following.

Yılman Saygan is married to the famous Turkish singer Suavi who is known for his outspoken views, particularly regarding Turkish politics.

Women Press Freedom condemns the detention of Gönül Yılman and calls for an end to the state’s persecution of journalists. While the circumstances surrounding the reason for her detention, the move by authorities to whisk the journalist into custody without clear explanation or reasoning is troubling In the early months of 2024, Turkiye faced a concerning uptick in detentions of women journalists. Women Press Freedom documented a total of 15 detentions — more than double the amount of Q1 2023 — spread across various regions of the country. 

Detaining and legally harassing press who are critical of the state’s actions is unjust. We stand in solidarity with Yılman Saygan and all journalists who face persecution for their profession.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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