Russia: Lyudmila Savitskaya Fined yet Again for Failing to Register as ‘Foreign Agent’

WPF condemns the continued targeting of the exiled journalist for speaking out against the regime

Location: Russia, Pskov
Date: July 19, 2024

Exiled journalist Lyudmila Savitskaya has been subjected to continuous legal and financial harassment by the Russian regime, Women Press Freedom is worryingly documenting. Last month, funds were seized from her account without her permission for an alleged violation of the “foreign agent” law. Now, she has been fined again for non-compliance with this repressive law, which targets critics of the Kremlin. Savitskaya, like thousands of her colleagues, has left Russia due to the country’s oppressive stance on freedom of expression and independent press, making honest reporting on the Kremlin's actions virtually impossible. Despite this, Russia continues to harass exiled journalists who criticize its government. According to Women Press Freedom’s documentation, Russia is the leading perpetrator of transnational repression tactics against women journalists. We vehemently condemn the harassment of Lyudmila Savitskaya and her fellow exiled journalists. The Kremlin’s relentless targeting of dissidents and independent journalists must cease.

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Fined for Failing to Comply with Stipulations for an Organization Registered as a “Foreign Agent”

On July 19, 2024, journalist Lyudmila Savitskaya was fined 300,000 rubles ($4,000) by a court in Pskov for failing to submit a report required under the "foreign agent" law.

The fine was issued not directly to Savitskaya but to her organization, "Journalist - Foreign Agent." Savitskaya was compelled by the Ministry of Justice to create this organization, which was added to the "foreign agents" register in 2021. At that time, she was still in Russia and had to adhere to the law. She has since left the country and decided to no longer comply with these requirements.

"The Ministry of Justice should be dealing with the crimes that the Russian regime, led by war criminal Vladimir Putin, is committing right now, rather than hunting down people who have long been out of its reach," said Savitskaya to RFE/RL’s Russian Service following news of the fine.

Money Seized Illegally for Failing to Comply with Stipulations for her Status as an Individual “Foreign Agent”

On June 6, 2024, the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia frozeSavitskaya’s bank accounts to collect a 30,000 ruble ($400) fine. This fine targeted Savitskaya’s failure to comply with the “foreign agent” stipulation that authorities had placed on her as an individual.

Savitskaya was one of the first people the Russian Justice Ministry recognized as an individual "performing the functions of a foreign agent." She was added to the list on December 28, 2020; in May, the Pskov City Court rejected the journalist's claim to overturn the Justice Ministry's decision. Savitskaya continues to contest her "foreign agent" status and has filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights.

The relentless legal and financial persecution of exiled journalist Lyudmila Savitskaya under Russia's "foreign agent" law exposes the cynical transnational repression tactics of Putin’s regime. After years of harassment forced her to leave her homeland, Savitskaya continues to face fines and illegal seizures of her funds while living abroad. These actions highlight the Kremlin's efforts to silence critical reporting and punish those who speak out against it, regardless of their location. Women Press Freedom denounces these draconian measures and stands in solidarity with journalists like Savitskaya, whom the Kremlin continues to persecute for their criticism and honest reporting. We demand that Russia immediately cease its persecution of independent media and urge support and protection for journalists forced to live in exile to avoid harassment and imprisonment for doing their jobs.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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