Nicaragua: Fabiola Tercero’s Whereabouts Unknown Following Home Police Raid

Tercero has been missing for 10 days, potentially detained by police

Location: Nicaragua, Managua
Date: July 22, 2024

Women Press Freedom is deeply alarmed by the disappearance of journalist and feminist activist Fabiola Tercero following a police raid on her residence. Tercero, who has been incommunicado for the past ten days, remains unaccounted for, with no information on her current whereabouts. The journalist has previously been targeted, including through surveillance, by the authorities. We strongly suspect the renowned journalist has been detained by police and demand immediate answers and her immediate release. Her safety and well-being must be assured. Authorities must further cease all forms of harassment and intimidation against journalists.

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Since July 12, 2024, Fabiola Tercero, renowned for her courageous reporting on human rights abuses in Nicaragua and her advocacy for public reading initiatives, has been missing following a police raid on her home by the Sandinista police.

Harassment towards Tercero is not new. Since last year, Nicaraguan authorities had prohibited her from organizing her literary meetings, reflecting the increasing repression faced by regime critics. The journalist’s home, in a restricted area in El Carmen, Managua, a zone under direct control of Ortega's administration, has been under constant surveillance.

Next to her journalism, Tercero is known for her cultural project, "El Rincón de Fabi," which she started in 2017. This initiative promoted reading and book exchanges in a context where access to literature is limited. Tercero organized literary and cultural events, aiming to create a space for young people and book lovers in Nicaragua.

Women Press Freedom joins the Center for Legal Assistance in Human Rights (CALIDH) in the potential worry that the Nicaraguan government might be involved in Tercero's disappearance, and that she may have been detained by the police. CALIDH, via social media, has asserted that Tercero "consistently and courageously spoke out against the human rights violations committed by the dictatorship," highlighting that "the Nicaraguan state is responsible for her disappearance.”

The lack of information and transparency from the Nicaraguan government regarding Tercero’s potential detention is deeply concerning. Since her disappearance, authorities have provided no details about her whereabouts or condition, fueling fears about her safety and well-being. This deliberate silence is a tactic to instill fear and suppress dissent, reflecting a broader pattern of intimidation and violence against journalists in Nicaragua. The international community must hold the Nicaraguan government accountable for these violations and work towards ensuring the safety and freedom of journalists like Tercero, who courageously fight for truth and justice.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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