India: Police Officer Pushes and Drags Reporter Yesha Kotak
Women Press Freedom denounces, demands accountability for reporter’s mistreatment
Location: India, Mumbai
Date: May 16, 2024

Women Press Freedom, in the strongest words, condemns the violent manner in which CNN News18 reporter Yesha Kotak was attacked by a police constable in Mumbai. The reporter was covering an election campaign rally of the Indian Prime Minister when she was dragged away by police, who should have ensured her safety and protection. No journalist should go through what the CNN News18 reporter suffered. Members of the press must have unfettered access to cover public events, particularly during a time when the country is undergoing a crucial general election. We not only call upon the Indian government in New Delhi but also demand that those at the helm of Mumbai police intervene immediately, ensuring that the offending police constable receives fitting punishment. Measures must be taken within the police to prevent such incidents in the future, guaranteeing that all members of the police department respect journalists and honor their mission to inform the public.
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The Interior Ministry issues arrest warrants for at least 13 women and non-binary journalists.
Reporter Yesha Kotak was covering PM Modi’s election event in the port city of Mumbai on May 15, 2024, when she was attacked by a police constable during the roadshow.
The officer disregarded the CNN News18 reporter’s status as a journalist and forcibly hauled her, tearing her clothes in the process. The reporter’s microphone was also lost amidst the chaos.
The violent altercation, which took place at a rally where the country’s prime minister was present, is yet another glaring reminder of the deteriorating state of press freedom in India.
India, which is now in its fourth phase of its election, has witnessed several instances of press freedom violations in the last four weeks, some of which included women journalists being obstructed from reporting and threatened as they did their work.
Mumbai-based veteran journalist Neha Purav was threatened and harassed following her report on a union minister’s election campaign with four unknown men arriving at her doorstep warning her not to report about the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Mumbai North candidate Piyush Goyal in the future.
The day polls in India opened, Australian journalist and ABC’s South Asia Correspondent Avani Dias left the country without covering the six-weeks-long vote after she was denied press credentials. Government officials, she said, cited her reporting on sensitive topics, including the killing of a Sikh separatist leader, as the primary reason for the denial.
The denial to extend Dias’ visa followed shortly after the revoking of Vanessa Dougnac’s permission to report from the country. The French journalist with a long-standing connection to India where she has lived for 22 years, was forced to leave the country following a series of government actions against her. The Indian Home Ministry threatened to deport Dougnac two years after her work visa was revoked, citing her journalism as "malicious and critical."
Women Press Freedom denounces the mistreatment meted out to Yesha Kotak by police. Kotak, instead of being facilitated by law enforcement, was subjected to a violent physical attack with brutal and undue force. Such an act by police is a severe infringement of her rights as a journalist and hinders her role in reporting India’s election. It is a journalist’s job to report public sentiments, question candidates, and provide a detailed view of the on-the-ground situation. We demand authorities in India take swift notice of the assault endured by the journalist and immediately launch an investigation to ensure accountability.
Women Press Freedom stands in strong solidarity with journalist Tara Das, who has endured two instances of violent sexual assault, harassment, victim-blaming, and blackmail during her twenty-year career in the media industry.
WPF is relieved that Pandey was released, we demand law enforcement discloses the purpose behind the unjust detention and why she faced aggressive interference on the job.
WPF denounces the attack on journalist Chinmayee Sahoo and her Argus News colleagues by former minister Das Raghunandan in Bhubaneswar.
WPF condemns the utterly reprehensible casteist abuse targeting The Print’s photojournalist Manisha Mondal.
WPF condemns the violent manner in which CNN News18 reporter Yesha Kotak was attacked by a police constable in Mumbai.
WPF is deeply troubled by the growing misuse of deepfake technology to impersonate and exploit journalists, as highlighted by the recent incident involving Pooja Shali, a respected journalist with India Today and Aaj Tak.
WPF vehemently condemns the threats and harassment faced by Neha Purav, a distinguished journalist with over 25 years of experience, following her report on a union minister’s election campaign.
WPF condemns the forced departure of Avani Dias, an Australian journalist and the South Asia correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
WPF vehemently denounces the incident involving British-Kashmiri Professor Nitasha Kaul, who was denied entry into India upon her arrival at Bengaluru Airport on February 25, 2024.
WPF firmly stands against the malicious use of deepfake technology in media and the consequent threats it poses to the safety, dignity, and professional integrity of journalists, particularly women.
CFWIJ and WPF denounces the Indian Home Ministry threatening to deport French journalist Vanessa Dougnac two years after revoking her work visa.
Women Press Freedom condemns the charges against Desai, demands authorities stop using such baseless tactics to silence critical voices
CFWIJ and WPF denounces the reprehensible online sexual harassment targeting Indian journalist Haseena Shaik.
VG’s is not the first case of legal harassment of journalists in India, as several journalists have recently been booked by the police for merely doing their job.
CFWIJ and WPF expresses deep concern over the Karnataka High Court in India granting bail to one of the accused in the murder case of Gauri Lankesh, a renowned journalist brutally murdered outside her home in Bengaluru on September 5, 2017.
CFWIJ and WPF is deeply concerned about the recent developments in Mongolia concerning the detention of journalist Naran Unurtsetseg, editor-in-chief of the news website, and the subsequent blocking of the website.
CFWIJ and WPF welcomes the Indian Supreme Court’s decision to hold criminal proceedings against journalist Makepeace Sitlhou.
Odia film producer Sanjay Nayak, also known as Tutu Nayak, was arrested on the charges of slapping and abusing journalist Debasmita Rout.
Unnamed Indian journalist files police complaint against actor-turned-politician Suresh Gopi, who repeatedly put his hand on her shoulder while making dismissive comments about the journalist at a press conference.
After reporting on the detention of eight Indian naval officers in Qatar, an anonymous woman journalist was forced to flee the country or face arrest.
Delhi police carried out raids at the homes of prominent journalists, including at least seven women journalists.
Police files two First Information Reports against Editors Guild of India members Seema Guha and Seema Mustafa after the Guild released a statement warning about bias in Manipur media.
The Coalition For Women In Journalism strongly condemns the recent attack on journalist Khushboo Akhtar's family home in New Delhi.
The safety of award-winning journalist Swati Chaturvedi is at risk after online death and rape threats escalate to a dead cat left on her doorstep.
Telugu journalist Thulasi Chandu is grappling with incessant online abuse and death threats, prompting grave concerns for her safety.
CFWIJ stands in solidarity with the renowned Wall Street Journal correspondent and condemns the attacks on her integrity.
Akhila Nandakumar is being investigated for conspiracy to defame after reporting on suspicious exam results of the leader of the student wing of India’s Communist Party.
Police arrest Times Now reporter Bhavana Kishore while on assignment following a car accident.
Clothes torn, phone taken, and detained for hours, Sakshi Joshi was reporting from a women-led protest in New Delhi when assaulted by police.
Photojournalist and documentary photographer, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, was prohibited from traveling to New York to receive the Pulitzer Prize award.

Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.
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