Yasemin Çongar
This timeline takes a look at the legal harassment against Yasemin Çongar.

Women Journalists in Turkey
The Turkish state has routinely weaponized its judiciary as well as its law enforcement agencies to target the journalist community in the country.

Ans Boersma: Timeline of Deportation
This timeline takes a look at the deportation of journalist Ans Boersma in 2019.

2019 Türkiye ve Ortadoğu Zaman Çizelgesi
Dünyada en fazla tutuklu gazetecinin bulunduğu ülke olan Türkiye, aynı zamanda en çok tutulu kadın gazetecinin olduğu ülke olmayı sürdürmektedir. Bu bağlamda tüm gözaltıları, tutuklulukları ve tahliyeleri belgeledik.

2019 - Turkey and Mena
As the largest number of journalists in the world are behind bars, the most number of female journalists are behind bars in Turkey. We have documented all the arrests, detentions, imprisonments and releases.