TIMELINE: 6-Year Torture and Unjust Detention of Eritrean Journalist Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu
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TIMELINE: 6-Year Torture and Unjust Detention of Eritrean Journalist Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu

Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu was arrested by Eritrean authorities in 2009 following a raid on Radio Bana, an educational radio station where she worked. The military detained over 30 journalists and staff members during the raid. While most were released after four years, Yirgalem and five others endured six years of imprisonment without trial in one of Eritrea’s most notorious military prisons.

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TIMELINE: The Systematic Efforts to Muzzle Emilia Șercan's Investigative Voice
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TIMELINE: The Systematic Efforts to Muzzle Emilia Șercan's Investigative Voice

This timeline charts the course of events from the creation of a profile featuring personal photos of Șercan on an adult content site to various legal actions and complaints she filed in response to threats and the unauthorized distribution of her private images shortly after Șercan published an article accusing the Romanian Prime Minister of plagiarism.

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