TIMELINE: Brandi Morin - Indigenous Journalist and Defiant Voice in the Face of Persistent Harassment from Law Enforcement
CFWIJ and WPF has documented the numerous infringements against Morin, culminating in her shocking arrest and detention in January 2024 on baseless obstruction charges.

TIMELINE: Police Violations Against Women Journalists in Canada
In recent years, Canada has witnessed a concerning pattern of violations against women journalists by law enforcement agencies, raising significant questions about press freedom and the protection of those reporting on critical issues.

Rana Ayyub: Fearless In The Face Of State Violence
Indian journalist Rana Ayyub has been on the receiving end of state-backed violence and harassment ever since the Bharatiya Janata Party ascent to power in the country.

Women Journalists in Turkey
The Turkish state has routinely weaponized its judiciary as well as its law enforcement agencies to target the journalist community in the country.

Masih Alinejad
This timeline takes a look at the attacks and threats against journalist Masih Alinejad.