United States: Nebraska Governor Targets Chinese Journalist with Xenophobic Remarks
The governor's discriminatory comments follow Xu's article critical of his company
Location: United States, Omaha, Nebraska
Date: October 17, 2023
Governor Jim Pillen dismissed an investigative report on the grounds of the journalist's nationality. Yanqi Xu, a Chinese immigrant and reporter for the Flatwater Free Press, recently penned an article exposing elevated nitrate levels at Pillen Family Farms, owned by the governor. The blatant act of xenophobia is a clear attempt to deflect from the genuine concerns of the report. The Coalition For Women In Journalism voices alarm over the implications of such divisive rhetoric, especially when it comes from a position of power. Journalists should be able to inform the public on critical issues impacting their communities without fear of discrimination. We demand Governor Pillen apologizes and faces appropriate consequences for his offensive remarks.
“Being a reporter, I never wanted to make myself the story. But this time, I thought there’s more at stake than myself,” journalist Yanqi Xu responded on social media to the prejudiced comments directed at her by Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen. His remarks were in retaliation to her article critiquing Pillen Family Farms, owned by the governor.
“I never wanted to make myself the story. But this time, I thought there’s more at stake than myself”
According to Pillen, Xu's Chinese origin was sufficient reason to disregard her article, an investigation that revealed alarming nitrate levels on his hog farms.
“Number 1, I didn’t read it. And I won’t. Number 2, all you got to do is look at the author. The author is from Communist China. What more do you need to know?” Pillen said about Xu during his appearance on Omaha radio station KFAB.
Xu's article highlighted a pressing public health concern, as excessive nitrate consumption can be linked to various health complications, including a syndrome dangerous to infants, thyroid disease, birth defects, and several types of cancer. Alarmingly, Nebraska has one of the highest rates of pediatric cancer nationwide.
With the backing of her employer and after seeking advice from immigration lawyers to safeguard her visa status, Xu collaborated with Matt Wynn, the executive director of the Nebraska Journalism Trust, to publish a column in her defense.
Expressing his outrage, Wynn condemned the governor's remarks and emphasized that Xu, who had been in the United States since 2017, had never faced dismissal based on her origin before. He described the incident as infuriating, saddening, and embarrassing, underscoring the significance of democracy and a free press.
The Asian American Journalists Association issued a statement in solidarity with Xu, highlighting the significance of an independent and diverse press corps. Representative Judy Chu, chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, denounced Pillen's remarks as a groundless xenophobic attack and demanded an apology to Xu and her outlet.
Xu shared that she had firmly believed that a person's worth would not be determined by their country of origin. The journalist emphasized the significance of her organization's column, as it conveyed a powerful message to the community and demonstrated support for Chinese Americans and immigrants.
“I think it’s also super important for other Chinese Americans or other Chinese immigrants to understand that our newsroom thinks it’s not right for the governor to say something like this,” adds Xu.
Eroding Trust and Inreased Self-censorship
The integrity of journalism, a cornerstone of democratic societies, faces a pressing threat as politicians resort to xenophobic comments to discredit media professionals. Such divisive rhetoric, like the recent remarks made by Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen against Chinese journalist Yanqi Xu, can deeply erode public trust in the media.
When high-ranking officials resort to discriminatory language, the credibility of journalism suffers. These tactics paint the media as biased, making the public more skeptical of news sources and their reporting.
Equally alarming are the potential repercussions faced by journalists themselves. Xenophobic remarks can foster a hostile work environment, making reporters more reluctant to pursue specific stories or share their findings. This environment of fear can manifest as self-censorship, suppressing the media's fundamental role of holding powers accountable and providing unbiased, factual news.
The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands firmly in support of Yanqi Xu and unequivocally condemns Governor Pillen's remarks, perpetuating a narrative that marginalizes individuals of Chinese descent. We recognize journalists' difficulties when speaking out, particularly when the person making such comments holds significant power. We demand that the governor issue a sincere apology and be held accountable for his words and actions.
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.
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