UAE: Authorities Ban Book by Prominent Lebanese Journalist Dalal Mawad
The Coalition For Women In Journalism strongly condemns the ban, urges UAE authorities to reconsider their decision
Location: United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Date: September 28, 2023
Prominent Lebanese journalist Dalal Mawad's book, "All She Lost," has been banned by the UAE. The book delves into the aftermath of the catastrophic Beirut explosion in August 2020, examining the collapse of Lebanon and featuring the stories of women impacted by the tragedy. The ban allegedly stems from a book section discussing the alleged financial assistance provided by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to a Lebanese political party. The Coalition For Women In Journalism expresses its disappointment regarding the censorship and emphasizes the importance of media independence in the Arab world. We urge the UAE authorities to reconsider their decision and lift the ban. We also call upon other organizations to condemn and help spread awareness about this ban.
“What's ironic is the book is not about the UAE, it's not about Gulf countries,” award-winning Lebanese journalist Dalal Mawad tells CFWIJ about the UAE’s ban on her latest book, All She Lost. “It's specifically about Lebanon, and most of the blame in the book is on the political establishment in Lebanon and how they've led to Lebanon's collapse,” Mawad says.
In her book, which centers around the experiences of Lebanese women in the aftermath of the 2020 Beirut explosion, Dalal Mawad sheds light on the untold tragedies that unfolded and emphasizes the marginalized position of women in shaping historical narratives. Mawad highlights the lack of platforms and safe systems that hinder women from exercising their voices, asserting that it is not a matter of women lacking a voice but rather the absence of conducive environments for their voices to be heard.
The silence from media outlets in Lebanon and other Arab countries regarding the ban has been loud, Mawad explains CFWIJ. With the ongoing crackdown on freedom of expression in the Arab world, it is even more crucial to document and expose the abuses and censorship occurring in these regions, the journalist continues.
“Media outlets have refrained from addressing this issue. Prominent journalists, who often assert themselves as advocates for freedom, have chosen to remain silent”
“In the past 24 hours, multiple media outlets, including those I have personally been associated with, have refrained from addressing this issue. Prominent journalists, who often assert themselves as advocates for freedom, have chosen to remain silent on the matter. I'm glad you are reaching out.” says Mawad, expressing disappointment over the lack of support.
An investigation by Mawad’s publisher reveals the censorship committee banned the book due to a mention of the far-right Lebanese political party, Lebanese Forces, currently the largest party in parliament, potentially having received financial support from Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Mawad deliberately included the term "reportedly" in the book while discussing the alleged connections between Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the Lebanese party, acknowledging the absence of concrete evidence to substantiate these claims.
“I'm surprised because I did not expect this line to upset them. I didn't think there was anything in it, and again, I don't think anything justifies censorship,” adds Mawad.
“I don’t think anything justifies censorship”
The censorship committee in UAE remains stringent, particularly when it comes to political books. The country exercises zero tolerance and continues to censor numerous publications. Academics, activists, and journalists face lengthy prison sentences for their spoken or written words and professional endeavors.
According to Mawad's publisher and the Samir Asir Foundation, an organization monitoring abuses against journalists, an appeal of the ban is not considered feasible.
“Hopefully, we can get enough buzz on it [the ban] to where we can garner more support because it is extremely important for freedom of the press and freedom of expression,” says Mawad.
The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands firmly in support of Dalal Mawad, expressing deep concern regarding the violation of her freedom of expression by the United Arab Emirates government. The ban on Mawad's book not only infringes upon her freedom of expression but also serves as a distressing example of the workings and significance of censorship. As someone who possesses the opportunity to use her voice to shed light on overlooked or forgotten issues, the prohibition on her book represents a grim reminder of the importance of exposing such instances of censorship and advocating for freedom of expression.
We are troubled by the lack of response from various media outlets. We strongly condemn the ban on her book, "All She Lost," and call upon UAE authorities to reconsider their decision. It is important to note that the central message of Mawad's book focuses on the prevalent culture of impunity in Lebanon rather than the UAE government or their country. We also urge news outlets and organizations advocating for media freedom to denounce the ban and help raise awareness about this infringement on freedom of expression.
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.
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