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Azerbaijan: CFWIJ Condemns That Abuse And Threats Faced By Three Women Journalists At The Hands Of The Police

Ulviyya Ali, Nargis Absalamova, and Elnare Gasimova were verbally abused and physically assaulted by the police despite identifying themselves as journalists. The journalists were attacked while covering a protest against the murder of 24-year-old Sevinj Maharramova. Maharramova was allegedly murdered by her husband leading to protests regarding the persecution of women in the country.

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Türkiye: CFWIJ Gazeteci Büşra Taşkıran’a Karşı Uygulanan Polis Şiddetini Kınıyor

Antalya’da vahşice katledilen 21 yaşındaki Azra Gülendam Haytaoğlu ve Emine Gökkız için Ankara’da bir araya gelen kadınları takip etmek isteyen gazeteci Büşra Taşkıran polis şiddetine maruz kaldı. Gazetecinin çekim yapması engellendi. Gazetecilikte Kadın Koalisyonu (CFWIJ) olarak Türkiye genelinde gün geçtikçe artan polis şiddetini kınıyor, yetkililerden derhal buna son vermesini talep ediyoruz. Gazeteciler özgürce işlerini yapmalıdır. Aksi tutum basın özgürlüğü ihlalidir.

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Turkey: CFWIJ Condemns Police Brutality Against Journalist Büşra Taşkıran

Journalist Büşra Taşkıran was physically assaulted with police force while following the women’s protest for Azra Gülendam Haytaoğlu, 21, and Emine Gökkız, 45, who were brutally murdered. The journalist was deliberately impeded from filming the event and beaten by the police. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns the escalating police violence across Turkey. We call the Turkish state to end intimidating journalists by using forges against them. Journalists should freely do their job. The opposite approach is a violation of press freedom.

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