Press Release: Craig Newmark Philanthropies Renews Funding for the Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)

United States, New York

July 17, 2024

The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) is proud to announce renewed funding from Craig Newmark Philanthropies. This fund allows us to continue our work and help bolster our Women Press Freedom initiative efforts. This support comes at a pivotal time when protecting and advancing press freedom for women and LGBTQI journalists is crucial in a climate when trust and safety in the media are under attack. 

Craig Newmark, the founder of craigslist and a generous philanthropist, has long championed efforts to uphold journalistic integrity and trust in the media, among other important causes. His funding will enable CFWIJ to continue and advance our advocacy for women and LGBTQI journalists, particularly those from racially diverse backgrounds. This funding will be most effectively used for our work in North America. 

The upcoming election season in the U.S. and later in Canada is a critical period for democracy, and the role of journalists in providing accurate and unbiased information cannot be overstated. CFWIJ will ensure journalists are supported, connected, trained, and protected during this time.

Our Impact on Press Freedom Issues from a Gender Perspective

CFWIJ has made significant strides in addressing press freedom violations for women and non-binary journalists worldwide. Some notable impacts include: 

Advocacy Support: Our thorough, unbiased support and advocacy have brought international attention to cases of violence against women journalists. Our work has resulted in increased protections and support for journalists who are targeted and persecuted worldwide. Our advocacy has led to new laws drafted to protect women journalists, gotten journalists released from prison, and achieved accountability. Many of our global campaigns have led to policy changes and greater awareness of the unique challenges faced by female journalists.

Support: Since its inception, CFWIJ has facilitated over 1,000 evacuations and relocations of women journalists from high-risk regions, including Afghanistan, Ukraine, Turkey, Mexico, Poland, Belarus, and Iran. This effort has been crucial in enabling these journalists to continue their work in safer environments and, many times, save lives.

Read more about our impact here.

We hope that with all the support we receive from our donors, including Craig Newmark, we can continue to create an ecosystem of support for women, LGBTIQ, and other marginalized journalists. 

About us: 

Women Press Freedom is an initiative by the Coalition For Women In Journalism. We are a New York-based press freedom advocacy and support organization for women and LGBTQI journalists. Our monitoring and reporting on press freedom violations covers 128 countries worldwide. Our advocacy work has helped journalists get released from prison, provided safety for those targeted in their own countries, and relocated hundreds of journalists facing circumstances that threaten their lives, including those fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan, the regime in Iran, the war in Ukraine and different conflicts in the Middle East. 

Read more in our Press Freedom Status Annual Report 2023.

Our global peer-support networks engage and assist hundreds of women and LGBTQI journalists in different regions worldwide. Last year, we launched the Kathy Gannon Legacy Award, which celebrates journalists for their remarkable reportage and commitment to supporting their peers. In the coming years, we will expand our awards to celebrate great journalism done by women and LGBTQI journalists.


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