Reuters Institute: These journalists from Gaza risk their lives to cover the Israel-Hamas war: "Nothing can describe what you feel"
In a war that has seen more than 19,000 deaths, predominantly among civilians, the perilous role of journalists in the Gaza Strip has been starkly highlighted.

NYT Op-ed: Over 60 Journalists Have Been Killed in the Israel-Gaza War. My Friend Was One
With a blend of personal reflection and professional insight, Al-Arian's piece sheds light on the increasing dangers journalists face in conflict zones, particularly in the Middle East.

OC Media: Azerbaijan’s Attempts to Eradicate the Free Press Cannot Succeed
After previous rounds of raids, arrests, and repressions, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev is once again moving to eradicate the last vestiges of the country’s free press.

Amy Booth for Index on Censorship: Javier Milei's Election Raises Fears for Press Freedom in Argentina
In "Rolling and Attacks on the Media," for Index on Censorship, Amy Booth delves into the implications of Javier Milei's recent election as Argentina's president, particularly focusing on his contentious relationship with the media.

Standing in Solidarity with Women Journalists Facing Violence on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we at the Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) stand in solidarity with women journalists who face unprecedented dangers in their line of duty.