IG Live with Ceren Iskit and Melis Alphan
🇬🇧 #Turkey: What are the challenges of being prosecuted as a #woman #journalist in #Turkey? How do journalists cope with the accusations they face for their coverage? CFWIJ's @ceren_iskit and journalist @melisalphan will discuss how #women #journalists come together to address the issues yet to be resolved. Join us on #InstagramLive on Friday.
🇹🇷 #Türkiye: Türkiye'de yargılanan kadın gazetecilerin karşılaştığı zorluklar neler? Sadece mesleklerini icra ettikleri için yargılanan gazeteciler, haklarındaki asılsız suçlamalarla nasıl başa çıkıyor? Şimdiye kadar çözülemeyen sorunlar ve basın özgürlüğünün sağlam bir zeminde ilerleyebilmesi için gazeteciler birlikte neler yapabilir? Araştırma koordinatörümüz @ceren_iskit, #Instagram’da gazeteci @melisalphan canlı yayında bütün bu sorulara cevap arayacak.

Non-Fiction Documentary Film: Process And Perspective
ATTENTION FILMMAKERS: ‘The three deaths of Marisela Escobedo’ is a riveting #Netflix documentary that tells a story of an incredible mother’s tireless struggle to achieve justice for her murdered daughter
A life-threatening struggle that took #Marisela own life. This non-fiction documentary is an exemplary work of ethical journalism, through which the filmmakers walk us through the dire path that mothers of killed and disappeared girls go through in #Mexico.
CFWIJ is thrilled to host this conversation with the journalists behind this project. Talented filmmakers, producers and researchers Carlos Pérez Osorio (@carloscopio) and Sara Rafsky (@sararafsky) will tell us more about the process of producing a documentary, details of research, fact checking and security aspect of it.
Making a film which touches upon such an incredibly traumatic and difficult experience is surely effects the ethical process of the documentary; our founder @kirannazish will dive into all that and more. Some questions the audience that look forward to —> How to tell a story without imposing one’s personal views? How to speak with people who went through so much? How to stay both empathetic and professional. And finally: how to remain ethical while pursuing one’s reporting.
Panel discussion will take place on Friday January 22, at 1:00 PM EST. It will be streamed Live on CFWIJ’s Youtube channel. A properly told story conveys emotions, respects its characters, builds a clear, unbiased narrative. The key is to know when to remain silent and let the events develop at their own pace. We hope to hear more about these undoubtedly unique skills from our special guests.

Workshop: How To Pitch a Story
#Savethedate: Recently there have been some great climatic changes in the industry since Covid19, BLM protests and global political changes. Many of our mentees have been trying to figure out how to improvise and pitch better stories that can work for the industry. Coming Monday we are conducting a workshop with one of our partners who have deep expertise on the skill. If you would like to take the free workshop please email a request to register

IG Live with Kiran Nazish and Rebecca Vincent
📌Mark the date: January 11th, we invite you to this important conversation. Our founding director @kirannazish will be speaking to @rsfinternational’s Rebecca Vincent about the hard and intrepid work that campaigning for press freedom requires. As censorship has grown widely, we have been finding new ways to challenge authority and impunity. We will discuss; How to make these press freedom campaigns count + some tips on how you can join.